I started this blog to keep my church, friends and family updated on my year volunteering in Katrina recovery with the Presbyterian Church (USA). I've now signed on for a second year working in disaster recovery and another year living in Mississippi. It's getting good....

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Sunrise worship (service #1) on the beach with Handsboro Pres, New Life Comm, and Mississippi City Methodist Church. We never did see the sun rise.....too much rain!
Breakfast with the Handsboro and New Life Community Presbyterian congregations at NLC.

Worship #2 with St. Peter's By The Sea Episcopal Church, at Handsboro.

Mom and Linda at St. Peter's worship.

Father Edward helps the St. Peter's children lay flowers in the cross.

Brenna leading the children's sermon at the Handsboro Pres. worship service (worship #3).

Easter at Handsboro Presbyterian Church, Gulfport, MS!

1 comment:

St. Casserole said...


Everybody had a GREAT Time!